Nice going! But where rest of Him? :P
Nice going! But where rest of Him? :P
idk maybe he just is bottom halfed
Well ... B or not to B ... this is THE question :3
the question is to B
Really nice spin on Nemesis... great color balance :)
Nice practice - coloring technique looks very professional/animation like ... if I may suggest - try adding more shadow inside left hand it would give natural/depth effect and She got 2 right feet so ... :3
Nice and intense... great work with the reds dynamic :)
It was supposed to originally be green, but I figured shades of red and orange would be better
Great and warm colors! She looks rather playful :3
Great and dynamic pose! Colors are also nice :)
Awesome coloring and shading technique!
Great dynamic techniques! Nice perspective pieces and proportions... keep that great work up!
Another great armor design!
I was drawing all my life - oldest sketches in my possession that I actually have are from 2000... UNFORTUNATELY I never finish most of my work... I should do better... So Traveler help me in my journey by stoping by and building my confidence!
Age 38, Male
Joined on 7/21/13